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Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Car Buying Tips: Do You Know The 7 Steps of Car Buying?

You may have read a number of car buying tips by now. We bet you haven’t studied the recommended process of car buying from start to finish, though. It’s OK, you’ve found the information you need. Read this page to prepare for your car purchase the right way. Follow the steps of car buying.

1. Research

This might be the most difficult step in the process. Do this in three sub-steps.

  • Figure out what kind of car you need. How many seats do you need? Do you need to tow a trailer? What about cargo space? These are just some of the questions to ask.
  • Search for cars. Find out which vehicles satisfy your needs. There are countless websites for doing this, including manufacturer sites like
  • Decide if you can spend for things you want. If you can barely afford what you need, skip this step. If you have money leftover, take a look at the different trims of the vehicles
  • ou like. You might find that a premium audio package suits you well, for example.

2. Borrow

Get pre-approved for a loan. There are two reasons for this. First, it takes financing off the table when you’re negotiating your new car deal. Things will be less confusing and a potential opportunity to rip you off will be avoided. Second, you can usually find a more cost effective loan option before you visit the dealership, from banks and other lenders.

3. Prepare Your Trade-In

If you plan to trade a vehicle for your new one, you should clean it up and estimate its value. There are many websites that can help you with your estimate. One is CULA. Whatever you do, don’t go to the dealership without an idea of what your car is worth. If you get lowballed, you should be aware of it.

4. Visit the Dealership

Now it’s time to test drive the vehicles you like. Just make sure you let the salesperson know that you are not interested in making a purchase right away. Ask for his or her card and say you’ll be in touch once your decision is finalized.

5. Get Quotes

By this time, you might have a quote already. Get more, though. You can compare quotes from every dealer in your area easily. Search local inventory and get free, no- obligation quotes right here at Choose a dealer to work with or call the one you like and ask if they can beat a quote you got from elsewhere.

6. Finalize Things When You’re Satisfied

Don’t sign the deal too quickly and don’t be rushed by anyone at the dealership. Look everything over. A good question to ask would be “how much will I end up paying, including interest?” It may seem like a lot of money but as long as the interest rate is close to the average, you’ll be getting an acceptable deal. Sign only when you’re sure everything is right.

7. Drive Away!

By this time, you will have completed all the stops of car buying. Now you’re ready to drive away in your new car!

Don’t forget your free, no-obligation quotes. Search local inventory and find the best deal.