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Sunday, February 16, 2025

Auto Buying Tips for the Newbie Car Shopper

Are you in the market for a new car? It does not matter if you are considering to lease or buy a new car as every consumer will benefit from unbiased information regarding new car prices in the market.

Consider thinking about auto buying sales tactics thrown around by dealers when you are buying a new car. It is important that everyone who is considering buying or leasing a new car should gain some familiarity about the various terminologies thrown around by car dealers and sales persons.

Invoice price is the actual amount that the car dealer paid the manufacturer for a certain car. Most car buyers are looking to buy a car ‘below the invoice price’ in order to save money.

The sticker price or MSRP is the suggested retail price of the car. However, this does not mean that you have to pay for this prescribed amount. You need to know the invoice price and the true dealer cost of the car so you can compare the MSRP from the dealer cost.

Consider helpful tips about new car buying advice when in the market to lease or buy a new car. It is here that you can find the MSRP, invoice price and dealer cost of all new car models sold in the market today.