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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Why Choose a New Subcompact or Compact for your Next Car

It is quite understandable why compact and subcompact cars are more popular nowadays and this has something to do with the continued rise of petrol and fuel prices in the market. New cars are also considerably more expensive than they were 5 or 10 years ago. This is because car makers are constantly finding ways on how to reduce weight and make clean burning and fuel efficient engines.

Small cars are lighter and thus easier to drive. They are also cheap to insure and costs peanuts to maintain. Subcompact cars are also easier to park and emit less emissions compared to a normal sized sedan.

Whether you are buying a compact or subcompact car, it is still best to perform even just a slight amount of research regarding the dealer invoice price and true dealer cost of the car.

Yes, small cars are considerably less expensive than normal sedans but this does not mean that you should pay the dealer in cash outright. Remember that it is relatively easy to save money on a new car. You should try your best to find new cars that are selling below invoice prices and those that offer the latest cash back offers.

Want to know on how you can buy a car below the dealer invoice? Get a new car price quote today and find out how a new compact or subcompact car can help you save money each time that you drive.