Ever Considered Paintless Dent Repair?

The days of costly body shop repairs, fixing dents with a hammer and paint, and long waits without a car are long gone. Paintless Dent Repair, a new technology for fixing dings, dents and minor damage, makes it fast, easy and affordable. The technique has been used by carmakers and dealerships for a long time but it’s catching on among consumers today.

Benefits of Paintless Dent Repair

  • It’s fast (it takes a few hours)
  • It doesn’t affect any warranty that may cover your paint
  • No sanding, filling or painting

How It’s Done

Using specialized tools and technologies, trained professionals push the metal back into its original shape. The inside of the panel is accessed by removing trim pieces or through window openings. Once positioned in the panel’s interior, the paintless dent repair specialist locates the dent, determines its exact size and then “massages” the dent away with his tools, starting on the outside and working his way in.

Any Downsides?

The downside is that paintless dent repair can’t be used on all cars. Because the technique depends on high-strength metal and resilient paint finishes, it can only be applied to late-model cars, paint that has not broken or cracked, dents that aren’t close to the edge of the panels and areas that haven’t had previous repairs.

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