Electric Cars And How They Work.
Who killed the electric car. It’s the question in environmentalist and consumers’ minds all over the country, and now, it is also a documentary.
The history of electric cars is long and controversial, and, in spite of the years, the future of the electric car remains as uncertain as it was 100 years ago.
Attempts to run a vehicle with pure electric power started in the 1830’s, however, they were no match for Ford’s mass-produced, affordable gasoline vehicles. Then Texas oil was found and big interstates came along and that was the end of it for a while.
There was another attempt in the 1970s, but it too ended because of slow speeds and a not enough electric charge to complete a full day’s trip.
Necessity is the mother of invention and now that gas prices are on the rise and oil dependency is a bigger issue, the topic seems to be back on the table.
Today’s electric cars use different kinds of rechargeable batteries to provide power to the engine. The latest prototypes are able to match any gasoline model in speed, but the charge only lasts an average of 50 miles, making long trips hard to accomplish. They can be charged at home and, in spite of the increase in the electric bill, drivers could still save 75% of what they would pay for gasoline. Environmentalists like it because the electric vehicle produces zero emissions.
The movie Who killed the Electric Car is Hollywood’s take on the debate. The murder plot follows the life and death of GM’s EV-1. The script also includes roles of big business and government, while examining the cultural and economic effects of the decision. According to the creators of Who Killed the Electric Car? manufacturers just don’t seem to want to produce electric cars. Their proof lies in the multiple shy attempts by the big three – Ford Motor Co., GM and Chrysler Corporation – to create electric cars, that always end with poor marketing, no serious attempts at mass production and a big pile of would have been functional electric cars in some junk yard.
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