Save Money When Customizing the Interior of Your Car

When you’re buying a vehicle, try to leave your heart at home. Purchasing a vehicle is a big investment, and it’s one that ought to be undertaken with your head. It’s easy to fall in love with a luxurious interior while forgetting the part of the car that does the real driving.

Most of the amenities that lure the weak of heart can be purchased for pennies as aftermarket car accessories, or after you buy the driving part of the car – CD Players for under $100, wooden shifter handles for 15 bucks, jumbo cup holders to hold your Big Gulp will run around 30 dollars at most. You can even put a sunroof in for a few hundred dollars depending on your vehicle.

Even more extravagant items might not be out of your price range. An in-car DVD player can be had for a little over $100 and a monitor for about the same price. If you’re handy, you can install it yourself and save a lot of money. Or, if you’re not concerned about wires, you can purchase a 12 volt adapter for your cigarette lighter, and plug stuff you already own into it.

Popular in minivans, a back-up camera is a great amenity. But, to get it to come on your new car, you’ll have to buy a relatively new model. However, for a few hundred dollars, you can order an entire back up camera system and install it on a much older model potentially saving you thousands of dollars.

Compare that to upgrading your entire vehicle for a cost of thousands and the choice is easy. Your custom interior will be more luxurious and less costly.

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