How To Avoid Car Dealer Tricks And High Pressure Sales Tactics Using the CSI Survey

A couple of weeks after you buy a car, you’ll receive a Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) survey from the manufacturer. If you’re informed ahead of time, you can benefit from it, get a better price, and avoid car dealer tricks and high pressure tactics.

How do CSI Surveys Work?

CSI surveys measure consumer satisfaction. Every week, dealerships receive a CSI rating based on scores in 3 departments: sales, service and parts. At the end of the month, these weekly scores are averaged to produce a monthly CSI rating.

The dealerships with the highest scores get to claim the best-selling cars from the manufacturer. Those with lower ratings have to make do with less desirable cars. Salespeople also compete with each other based on their CSI scores. A bad salesman must sell cars and get good feedback or risk being fired. CSI scores are the best way to distinguish dealerships that strive for excellence in customer service from those that are possibly a bit shady.

How Should I Use this Information?

If you want to avoid car dealer tricks and high pressure sales tactics, ask the salesperson for the dealership’s CSI score. This will serve as a point of reference to you, but it will also let him or her know that you’re interested in good service. Salespeople always ask to get a “10” because anything less is hard to offset. It take several good surveys to get back into shape. Just mentioning the survey will prompt them to up their service game. Now you know!

Before you even speak to a salesperson or a dealer, you should get quotes online. Compare offers and let the dealers know what’s on the table. They might be willing to offer something better. Click here to get quotes from local dealers, with just a few clicks.

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