Press Release Archives

Commuting Survey Reveals Habits, Preferences During Gas Crisis

July 9, 2008

A recent survey from focused on the financial burden of commuting and revealed the habits and preferences of over 1900 respondents. A significant portion (38%) of those polled stated that they make a daily commute of at least 20 minutes.

The majority of buyers claimed to spend between $51-$100 a week now to fill up their vehicles. Almost 14% say they put over $100 a week in their tank, and 40% say they pay $50 or less in weekly fuel expenses.

When presented with options to ease the financial strain of commuting, BuyingAdvice survey participants were varied in their responses.

Nearly a quarter of buyers stated they would find a job closer to home. Almost 40% of people were divided between two other options: nearly 20% considered moving closer to their workplace, and almost 20% said they would use mass transit. The number one choice however, was carpooling, with 35% of the votes.

Though hybrids are obviously increasing in popularity, survey respondents were closely divided on the topic. Not quite half (46%) said they considered buying a hybrid an effective way to ease the cost of commuting, while 53% said they did not. Information for this survey was gathered from over 1,900 users of the site’s price quote service. Each participant stated they were within 30 days of buying a new vehicle.

For more information on this report or please contact the BuyingAdvice Insider Team.


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